
Investing in FTTH Infrastructure whitepaper

Investing in fiber infrastructure has gained popularity among investors, resulting in many closed deals in recent years. The trend shows that there will be even more investments next year, especially in renewable energy and digital infrastructure areas.

The whitepaper presents three critical considerations for a successful fiber infrastructure investment:

– Securing Demand
– Controlling Costs
– Adapting Advanced Software Solutions

Read our whitepaper and reach out to learn more!


#4 Is our latest whitepaper, “The difference between hitting a home run and striking out in your fiber investments”.

Investing in fiber infrastructure has gained popularity among investors, resulting in many closed deals in recent years. The trend shows that there will be even more investments in renewable energy and digital infrastructure areas next year!

The whitepaper presents three critical considerations for a successful fiber infrastructure investment:

  • Securing Demand
  • Controlling Costs
  • Adapting Advanced Software Solutions

An Open Access approach offers many advantages:

  • Higher take rates than if you market a single service network. In fact, take rates are often up to three times as high – as consumers tend to spend more when given ample choices.
  • A more profitable business model because it gives you access to the wholesale revenue streams – it allows you to become a specialist in your field.
  • Improved public and private partnerships as communities can invest in infrastructure and provide their citizens with digital possibilities; without having to compete with commercial consumer services.

Curious to learn more? Read our white paper on the subject