
Blandin Foundation Finds Fiber Demand With COS Service Zones

landscape with a fiber network or broadband infrastructure being deployed, symbolizing the efforts of Blandin Foundation and COS Service Zones™ to bring high-speed Internet access to rural areas.

Branded website helps make the case for fiber in rural Itasca County

In the very rural areas surrounding Grand Rapids, Blandin hopes to help lure infrastructure investment by collecting data in COS Service Zones™ surveys.

ITASCA COUNTY, MINNESOTA – In rural Itasca County, Minnesota, many residents lack the high-speed Internet access they need to stay connected and power their businesses. The Blandin Foundation wants to help. Using COS Service Zones™, the foundation is supporting county efforts to pinpoint demand and help to rally communities around fiber.

“Access to broadband brings increased jobs and self-employment, better education, health care and entertainment,” said Bernadine Joselyn, director of public policy and engagement for Blandin Foundation.Broadband access increases property values. Broadband connects us to friends and family across the county and around the world.” 

By collecting valuable data through a website powered by COS Service Zones™ Blandin and their county partners hope to entice Internet service providers to invest in the county. By seeing on a map where demand for fiber is highest, Joselyn said, infrastructure commitments are sure to follow.

‘COS Service Zones™ is an effective way to inform and advance the county’s aspirations for more productive conversations with incumbent Internet service providers.’

The effort squares with Blandin’s mission of strengthening rural Minnesota communities, Joselyn said. The philanthropic organization hopes to see the day everyone in Itasca County has fiber, from densely populated Grand Rapids and to spread-out communities outside the city limits, and beyond.

“Blandin Foundation meets communities where they are, connects them to resources, and commits to partnerships that create vibrant, rural communities,” said COS Systems CMO Isak Finér. “Everyone at COS feels proud about this and I find myself pedaling a little faster when cycling to work in the dark, snowy Swedish winters.” 

About COS Service Zones

“Build it, and they will come?” Now, there’s a better way to roll-out fiber – with committed customers. No more deploying from one end of town to the other – then chasing customers.

  1. Draw multiple competing zones across your city or town.
  2. See demand build in real-time as customers signup using your branded website.
  3. Deploy, once target take rate is reached, to accelerate profitability.

Our mission: Subscriber-backed, successful fiber, and no more failed projects. COS Service Zones™ brings broadband to homes all across the globe. Let’s discover the demand in your community.

About COS Systems

COS SYSTEMS is a leading provider of software to plan, deploy and manage modern fiber networks that support services from one or more providers, using a powerful yet simple self-service interface. COS Systems takes customer needs and delivers innovative software solutions that streamline operations, accelerate revenue and deliver more satisfied subscribers. Learn more about COS Systems on www.cossystems.com and the new innovative product COS Service Zones™ at www.servicezones.net.

About Blandin Foundation

Charles K. Blandin established the Blandin Foundation in 1941 to aid and promote Grand Rapids and the surrounding area. In designing the Foundation, Blandin emphasized flexibility to ensure it could adapt to changing times with an underlying philosophy that its work should lead to the “betterment of mankind.” Blandin Foundation addresses issues to enhance the economic viability of rural communities and the well-being of residents.

For additional information, contact:

Bernadine JoselynDirector of Public Policy and Engagement, Blandin Foundation
brjoselyn@blandinfoundation.orgTel: 218-327-8728
Isak FinérChief Marketing Officer, COS Systems
www.cossystems.com+46-737 51 99 38
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