
Discover COS System’s BSS Platform

Detailed Visualization of BSS Platform Model - Incorporating Business, Support, and System Components for Telecom Operations

BSS Platform/Billing Platform/Billing Solution

Your typical Business Support System, (often also referred to as Billing System or Billing Platform) handles the business side of telecommunications and your customer needs. This includes, for example.

To help you plan, visualize and share the progress of your project and make data driven decisions.

Or order orchestration that allows you to capture, validate and track orders from different channels, simplify order management processes and reduces “time to market” significantly. 

To streamline a number of customer-related services, from billing and order processing to subscriptions and notifications.

Uses intelligent cloud-based billing software to automate billing and ensure revenue tracking and management.

Essentially, a BSS platform ensures that the business operates smoothly and that customers are happy. 

A BSS platform essentially ensures that the business operates smoothly and that customers are happy. In Telecommunications, BSS and OSS (Operational Support System) should work smoothly together, as in our COS Product Suite. 

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  1. […] are focused on your customer’s needs and the business operations and can also be referred to as a billing plattform or billing solution,  while OSS solutions are focused on technical operations. OSS and BSS should work smoothly […]

  2. […] essentially ensures that the technical side of the business runs smoothly. In Telecommunications, BSS and OSS (operational support system) should work smoothly together, as in our COS Product […]

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